POL112: Introduction to Comparative Politics

This course introduces students to the analysis of politics from a comparative perspective. A sample of topics covered includes fundamental concepts in politics; democratic, non-democratic, and hybrid regimes; party and voting systems; and different kinds of institutions shaping political processes.

POL322: Empire or Republic? Ideas and Practice in US Foreign Policy

The course will be taught by a team of Fellows at CUA’s Center for the Study of Statesmanship as well as guest lecturers and visitors from the academic, political, and policy worlds, and will explore the development and trajectory of American foreign policy from the perspective of the history of ideas, connecting issues of human nature and the moral life to practical questions of international affairs, constitutionalism, and the paradoxes of American exceptionalism. Readings will be drawn from history, philosophy, and case studies in American and international politics. It will include at least one excursion to a foreign policy-related event in Washington, D.C. Counts for American, World, and Theory concentrations in Politics. Enrollment may be selective based on academic standing and interest.

POL433: Russian Foreign Policy

This course introduces students to Russian Foreign Policy. It provides an historical overview and a detailed discussion of a variety of regional and functional concerns in Russian foreign policy. Students will learn not only about events and phenomena in Russian foreign policy but also about different perceptions and schools of thought shaping the beliefs and actions of Russian policymakers.